Short Story Sunday: The Elite Republic of Cortana

The rocks represent power, wealth, and status. Yeah, there are rocks laying around everywhere, but they’re not the special ones. They lack the engraving of Master’s perfect face, and the red lining that can only be done with the rock making machine. The red lining is a substance only those high in status know. People have tried forging the rocks, but though they can make identical engravings, they can’t figure out the elements used in the lining. A machine checks that the lining is authentic. All forged rocks are immediately found and the scum who tried screwing the system is rightfully executed.

Very few individuals would ever try cheating our all-knowing government, but there are those few who disagree with the policies of the Elite. Those individuals are scum. They are uneducated, immoral, and just plain scum. Who would want to ruin the best thing that has ever happened to our country, which has now become a model for all undeveloped countries, which we as Elitists call unsophisticated, enemies of the Republic. All countries and individuals who go against Elitism are referred to as enemies, and are pitied by the Republic. Our greatness began with the Master, whom transformed our once democratic government into a government ruled by a few godly, all-knowing individuals. The policies of unity and equality were then implemented, creating a sense of pride among every citizen of Cortana. No one suffers, and no one wants.

Every citizen is happy, except for those few who have what we call ungratefulitis, a psychological disorder where citizens, even though they have everything they could ever wish for, are unhappy. These disgusting citizens are conniving, and make up the Underground Society, whom plan to take over the government and bring back the corruption and inequality of the past government. The old government was most like the United States democracy, which is still implemented today surprisingly. You’d think they would have learned by now that only governments like the Republic are ever successful. The main goal of Master right now is to spread our ways of life to the United States, England, and China, the only countries that have the potential of creating a similar form of government to our almighty Republic. They reject Elitism however, claiming that it is “a corrupt government ruled by a few individuals who control the lives of the citizens.” They make this seem like a bad thing. When individuals have control over their lives they waste time on televisions and computers, devices that are outlawed in Cortana due to their sole purpose being for distraction. Only those in the highest class are allowed computers, but they are only permitted to look up news articles concerning other countries that prove our government is superior, or to write newspapers and novels that praise the Republic.

I myself work for the biographical Elite, a group of individuals who write about their personal experiences in Cortana. These biographies are then sent to leaders of other countries to show the benefits of joining Elitism. If you are reading this letter, it is because you belong to a country that is unethical and immoral. I hope my words are able to enlighten you to the benefits of joining the Republic.

But back to the rocks. We are criticized by other countries for our use of rocks as currency, when in truth, other countries use paper. Master created rocks as our form of currency as a symbol of how a useless item becomes valuable due to arbitrary means. We are questioned about our use of rocks. We answer with what is the value of the dollar bill? Are they not just paper with little bits of metal? Same with the rocks. Master took a seemingly useless object, and made a use of it. The lining, just as the metal within the bills, is the only characteristic that give any meaning to the rocks. This is beautiful in a way. Making value out of nothing.

One of the unique policies in the Republic is everything has value. Every individual and every object contains value. Other countries claim that all their individuals contain value, yet one of the main evidences proving that Elitism works is the fact that racism remains a problem in other countries that claim to be “world-powers.” Take the recent incident in Charlottesville, Virginia into account. America, which claims to be “the home of the free and the land of the brave,” had a case this year where white supremacists led a protest, over what I am not sure. In The Elitist, the most popular newspaper in Cortana, it was said that Nazi sympathizers even participated in this protest. While I know it may seem strange to those who aren’t Elitists that I don’t know why this protest occurred, the newspapers here in Cortana only tell the meaningful facts. The reason for the protest is obsolete. The only information worth knowing is that the country whose Declaration of Independence states “every man is created equal,” is having race riots. Protests like this one would never occur in the Republic. Children grow up learning Cortana morals, the most important of which is every object and person is valuable.

Join the Republic. Defeat Distractions. Follow what’s right. Don’t be left in the past. Join the right side of history.

With Regards,

John Wallins

This is a short story that I have been working on. Any feedback is highly appreciated!

4 thoughts on “Short Story Sunday: The Elite Republic of Cortana

  1. Since you said ‘Tibet’ is
    made up and has no relation to any other country or place real or imagined – I would change the name to ‘The Swell Republic of Tspango’ or some other made up name to avoid any misunderstandings. Otherwise I really like your writing here.


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